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Welcome! Get to know Ypres' most ornate museum. Below you will find all the information you need to plan your visit. You always discover the Merghelynck Museum with a guide. Join a guided tour or come in a group and book a guide. 

During the weekend of 'Art in Ypres' (24-25 May), the temporary exhibition 'Merghelynck op 't gemak' opens, focusing on the handling of ‘the latrine’ in the 18th century. A unique look at historical hygiene, highlighting the collection of klister syringes of the recently deceased Ypres doctor Gaston Delbeke.

The exhibition will also be open to the general public on 14 and 15 June (Dolle Dagen) and on 13 and 14 September (Tooghedagen and Open Monumentendag).